Senin, 16 Juni 2008

How to get Linux?

Linux available for download over the net, this is useful if your internet connection is fast. Another way is order the CD-ROMs which saves time, and the installation from CD-ROM is fast/automatic. Various Linux distributions available. Following are important Linux distributions.

Linux distributions.
Red Hat Logo
Suse Logo
Mandrake Linux Logo
Caldera Logo
Debian GNU/Linux:
Debian GNU/Linux LogoDebian GNU/Linux Logo
Slakware Linux Logo

Note: If you are in India then you can get Linux Distribution from the Leading Computer magazine such as PC Quest (Even PCQuest has got its own Linux flavor) or if you are in Pune, India please visit the our sponsor web site to obtained the Red Hat Linux or any other official Linux distribution. Note that you can also obtained your Linux distribution with Linux books which you purchase from Local book store.

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